Blogging from Beech Mountain, NC

I sort of stumbled into taking a short working sabbatical. My wife is attending photography school for the week and my in-laws volunteered to come down from Minnesota to spend some time with the kids. So for the time really since I got engaged and married eight years ago, I’ve got five days all to myself!

Hmmm..what to do, where to go? Ultimately, I am cheap and when traveling alone I don’t really care much about where I stay. I just know that I need high speed Internet as I must work and I need my phone to work. To that end, I ended up in Beech Mountain, NC. I’ll be writing more about this place tomorrow but needless to say I’ve never been and it’s very cool if you like the outdoors.

This quick blog post is just a little blurb about entrepreneurship. Some would argue that you must create a business to get “huge”, if you aren’t thinking of growing large, you will fail. I’ve read those books. I understand their point and they might be more right than wrong, but sometimes I think growing large is less about the thought of growing large and more about growing large as the by-product of working hard, being innovative and staying organized.

Lodgix started small and we are still small. But yet we’ve somehow managed to grow to 8000+ properties under management and are on track to facilitate over $100 million (that’s right million) in total bookings this year. That’s cool. I mean it’s a heck of a lot of work, and there are many trials and tribulations, but overall it’s rewarding to be able to build a product that more and more and more people want to use to manage their business. It’s satisfying to help people by providing a product that is unique and innovative in it’s approach to vacation rental (and customer) management.

I discovered a couple of other entrepreneurs who have some very good advice to other entrepreneurs or entrepreneur-wannabes, one of them comes right out and says “don’t do it” and the other uses micro-entrepreneur examples to illustrate some key points. Take a look:

CEO of Evernote, Phil Lubin, “Don’t Do It”.

Six-Figure Businesses Built for Less than a $100

Anyways, thought I’d share those articles. It’s Sunday and blogging is not a lot of fun, a nap sounds much better. Until tomorrow.

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