Custom Invoice Variables Have Launched

Custom property variables have been a part of Lodgix for a long time.  Custom property variables allow for custom fields like for example, wi fi codes, gate codes, directions to property, pool instructions, special notes, etc..  These fields can then be referenced using merge tags in guest communications, rental agreements, etc.  Super convenient and flexible.

Over the years many have requested the additional flexibility to allow for invoice variables.   Invoice variables might encompass fields like “airline”, “flight #”, “pickup instructions”, “auto license #”, “identification number”, etc..  That sort of information is specific not to a property, but to a specific guest and invoice.  Custom invoice variables are now live on Lodgix!

Once the invoice variable has been created, it will appear in a new “Custom” tab with the guest control panel.

The contents of the new field(s) can be accessed by using merge tags to place the content within any dynamic document or email.


There will be additional options in the coming weeks to allow these fields to be displayed during the online booking process.  Currently they are available to the property manager for manual input only.

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