It’s official, we’ve sync’d an invoice from Lodgix to Quickbooks Online!
In our development efforts to far we’ve been able to sync:
- Guests
- Invoice rental charges
- Invoice fees
- Invoice taxes
- Invoice discounts
- Invoice payment methods
We are now working on isolating problems in the guest sync process as it tends to take a considerable amount of time and is prone to failure, forcing it to restart again. Those problems appear to be solvable but will require some time to sort out.
We still have interfaces and guest payments to code, as well as a lot of testing, and then we need to get the app approved within the Intuit marketplace which can take 2 to 6 weeks. And all of this is for QuickBooks online only.
The good news is that QuickBooks desktop, in theory, should only require some relatively simple tweaks to get it to work. Our primary concern for QuickBooks desktop is getting it to work consistently using Intuit’s tools, which are not the most stable software components.
Here is a JPG of our first official invoice sync’d to QBOE.