Great Progress on Digital Signatures This Week!

Spent most of the week tweaking and testing the new Digital Signatures Module that (fingers crossed) should finally be launched next week.  We overcame some User Interface and API obstacles this week and are well on our way to the last phase of testing.

Digital signatures will be an optional, additional monthly fee module.  Some subscribers don’t use contracts and even those who do, may not want to have them signed digitally.  Digital signatures are not free.  We have to buy the signatures and user accounts in bulk and leverage a third party platform (RightSignature) to issue the signing credentials to assure that the document and the signature are valid, legal documents.

Additionally we leverage RightSignature to provide the cross platform embedded signing technology that allows a guest to sign and submit the rental agreement online and on any browser or mobile platform.

Here are some additional screenshots to generate some excitement as we approach launch:

Screenshot showing how a subscriber would manually request a signature of a rental agreement.
Area of guest control panel showing whether the rental agreement was signed or not.  If signed, an onmouseover event displays who signed it and on what day and time.   If not signed, the icon will show as either pending or it will provide a link to open a  window to send a signature request.
Area of guest control panel showing whether the rental agreement was signed or not. If signed, an onmouseover event displays who signed it and on what day and time. If not signed, the icon will show as either pending or it will provide a link to open a window to send a signature request.
This screenshot shows the signed rental agreements stored in the documents tab for each invoice (hyperlinked to PDF of signed rental agreement).
This screenshot shows the signed rental agreements stored in the documents tab for each invoice (hyperlinked to PDF of signed rental agreement).



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