The Multi Unit Calendar is the most advanced booking calendar available on the Internet today. Detailed specifications on its functionality are highlighted below. Click here for detailed setup and interface options.
Live examples of HTML5 booking calendars:

Tooltips are used extensively throughout the calendar. For browsers that are not touch aware, the tooltips appear onmouseover. For mobile browsers that are touch enabled, the tooltips appear onclick.
"The tooltip is a common graphical user interface element. It is used in conjunction with a cursor, usually a pointer. The user hovers the pointer over an item, without clicking it, and a tooltip may appear—a small "hover box" with information about the item being hovered over."
In the image above, a tooltip appears when the property name is hovered over with the cursor. The tooltip displays additional information about the property including the number of bedrooms, baths and how many people the property sleeps. If provided, the property name is hyperlinked to the specific URL on your website where additional information on the property can be found.
Date Display

Dates are displayed in three areas:
- At the top of the calendar
- At the bottom of the calendar
- Within the tooltip for each date
Providing date display in all three areas aids subscribers with larger calendars where they may have so many properties listed that the top of the calendar scrolls off the screen.

The tooltips display any rules that are setup for the property. If a rule is not met, for example in the image above Tues Jun 05 is chosen as the arrival date. Since this subscriber requires a Saturday arrival, this reservation cannot proceed and no "Click to Book Now" text is displayed.
Enforceable rules include:
- Minimum night rules
- Arrival day rules
- Departure Day rules
- <24 hour to arrival rules

Daily, weekly and monthly rates are displayed within the tooltip. Call to action text of "Click to Book Now" is displayed when a reservation satisfies all the rules requirements setup by the subscriber.
<24 Hour to Arrival (last minute bookings)

Some subscribers do not want last minute bookings to be made online. When this option is set within Lodgix, the booking calendar will display a notice "<24hrs, call to reserve" to the guest within the tooltip.
Last Minute Discounts

When the subscriber has setup last minute discounts, text will appear within the tooltip making the guest aware that a discount exists. The amount of the discount will be displayed later in the booking process.
Booking Process

The entire booking process is quite simple:
- The guest scrolls through various dates and is informed of availability, rates and rules for the dates in questions. An arrival date is selected.
- Lodgix calculates the options for number of nights. This number will vary depending on number of nights available, any minimum night rules in effect, etc. The guest selects the number of nights.
- A quote summary window appears displaying a breakdown of the charges for the stay. If a subscriber has rates that vary by the number of guests in the group, the rates will adjust on the fly when the number of adults / kids are adjusted.
- If the guests requires more than one property additional properties can be selected from the dropdown and added to the reservation.
- Book Now button proceeds with the booking on