Inquiry Management and Automation Overview

Vacation Rental Inquiry Templates and Automation

Work and testing are underway of a new feature that will allow Lodgix subscribers to route their inquiry emails through Lodgix. This will allow a subscriber to:

  1. Run reports by custom periods for inquiries received by source
  2. Calculate ROI by source as Lodgix will have smarts that track inquiries as they turn into bookings.
  3. Apply templates to responses for easy and quick responses in the event a property is available or not available
  4. Quote inquiries. Currently if a phone or email inquiry arrives, there is no ability to send out a custom quote via email. The new system will have this functionality.
  5. Track inquiries separate from guests. Inquiry tables will be sync’d with email marketing module to allow for email marketing after the fact
  6. Access mobile friendly pages for super fast response times when receiving inquiries on your mobile device
  7. Setup complete automation, allowing inquiries to be answered with templates applied with NO subscriber intervention
  8. Enable a feature called “Rental Switch” which will automatically suggest (and quote) other “like” properties in your inventory when an inquiry arrives for a property that is not available.

and of course, much, much more.

This is truly the most robust inquiry management and conversion tool available anywhere. Best of all we are providing it at no charge to existing customers. Estimated time to arrival: January 25, 2012.


Screenshot showing new Inquiry menu item with ability to map your source IDs to specific properties on Lodgix. Using the Cost tab you will be able to define the cost of your annual listing for ROI calculation or also define the per inquiry cost by source.

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