New Calendar Designs Are Coming Soon!

The channels have really kept us busy the last 4 or 5 months with all of their changes.   It’s been time consuming trying to keep up with all the changes at HomeAway while concurrently coding a new integration to Airbnb and then keeping up with all of their changes.   Not really a pattern we wish to replicate.   Even more frustrating is that most of the changes don’t benefit Lodgix customers at all, they are simply changes meant to line the pockets of HomeAway – all in the name of providing a “more consistent guest booking experience”.   Sigh.

However we have finally started work on recoding our booking calendars and calendar tape to provide a more modern / current design for our subscribers.   I am quite confidant the changes will be welcomed.    Screenshots of the prototypes will be provided in the next 7 to 14 days!

Thanks for your patience!

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