Single Property Calendar Design Update

Progress has been a bit slow, as we decided to recode the calendar completely, rather than modifying our existing code.

To refresh your memory, our existing single property calendar looks and functions like this:

Our new sine property calendar, which is still under development, currently looks and functions like this:

The advantages are many:

  1. Optimized and coded to work very well on mobile devices.
  2. Quoting will be displayed within the calendar, eliminating the popup window and tooltips.
  3. Additional rules like arrival and departure day rules are displayed and enforced within the calendar.
  4. Extensive flexibility to match color scheme to your website.
  5. Will incorporate ability to display last minute and length of stay discounts within the interface.

Overall, it should be a real nice improvement and function much better across all browsers and platforms than our current calendar.

Once the single property calendar is complete and launched, we will move on to the multi property calendar, which is also in dire need of some great design improvements!

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